Getting Logi Info Studio To Play Nice With Git & CI/CD

In recent weeks I’ve become intimately acquainted with Logi Analytics' IDE, called Logi Info Studio. There are two aspects of Info Studio which are outmoded: it is neither terribly source control friendly nor very well suited for continuous integration/deployment environments....

August 28, 2016 · 8 min · Nick Spreitzer

FluentConsole: Now With Automatic Word-Boundary Line Wrapping

When writing sentences to a console window, by default, the text will wrap at the exact width of the current window. Unless your sentences happen to consistently have word boundaries at exactly the same intervals as the window width, your text will wrap right in the middle words…...

May 26, 2016 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer

Installing SSL Certificates On Webfaction

Like so many other things, getting your site running over HTTPS is easy… once you know how. If you’ve never done it before, well, it’s not necessarily a straight shot from A to B. Here I describe exactly how to quickly and easily get the S into HTTPS for a site hosted on Webfaction - my preferred web host. Much of this information probably applies to other web hosts as well - but no promises there....

May 19, 2016 · 7 min · Nick Spreitzer

Purge A File (Or Directory) From A Git Repository

Sounded easy enough. Move a git repo from Server A to Server B. How hard could that be?...

April 20, 2016 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer

New SqlConnection() Hangs When IIS Express Has Been Idle

About a week ago I was happily working away on an ASP.NET Web API project when I noticed something fishy happening. And by “fishy”, I mean incredibly, unbelievably, stupendously frustrating. When initially loaded, the application worked fine. Start the project, execute a command from Postman, get results. But after running for 8 or 10 minutes, results would suddenly stop coming back. It didn’t take long to figure out where it was failing, however why it was failing was another matter entirely....

April 11, 2016 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer

WordPress, you're FIRED!

I like a great many things about WordPress, but there is one thing about it I’ve never particularly enjoyed. And, unfortunately, it’s something that’s rather essential to, you know, a blogging platform…...

April 5, 2016 · 8 min · Nick Spreitzer

GitHub Desktop Removing Credential Settings When Loaded

Just the other day, git started to continuously prompt me to re-enter my GitHub credentials, despite the fact that I had repeatedly cached my credentials. Why, GitHub, why are you bothering me with this, I pondered. Turns out, GitHub desktop runs a ‘configuration sanitizer’ when it starts up because GitHub has “seen significant issues in the past with other Git clients adding invalid/bad configuration values”. Makes sense. I have, in fact, seen that happen in the past....

March 30, 2016 · 1 min · Nick Spreitzer

XML Comment Outlining In Visual Studio 2015 'Fixed'

When I look at a class file, I will frequently collapse it down to its method signatures. Maybe I want to scan the file for a particular method. Maybe I want to get an overview of what functionality the class contains. Could be any number of reasons. Ultimately it’s a quick way to minimize the noise and isolate what I really want to see. In a C# class file, the noisiest bits - easily - are the XML comments that decorate everything from the class itself to all its containing methods and properties....

March 17, 2016 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer