Kindle Fire HD6: Finally, An E-Reader That's Good For Technical Books & Articles

When I first started coding, I bought several 1,000+ page tomes that must have weighed eight pounds each. Books with that much mass do not suit my preferred reading style: leaning back, in my easy chair. They were equally inconvenient when I wanted to work though an example on my computer. Impossible to hold with one hand, I had to lie them down flat on my desk and either hover my head nearly directly above or use both hands to lift it up in order to refer back to the text....

December 20, 2014 · 6 min · Nick Spreitzer

Getting Calls From Recruiters While At Work

In my experience, at least, most recruiters won’t go out of their way to call you at work so long as they can easily find another number to reach you. The real conundrum is figuring out what number should you make readily available....

August 19, 2014 · 5 min · Nick Spreitzer

On Programming Interviews

Interviewing. Bleh. Everyone hates it. Doesn’t matter which side of the table you’re on, it’s not fun. For a while my previous employer had me assessing candidates' VBA/Excel skills. It was an eye-opening experience...

November 11, 2010 · 7 min · Nick Spreitzer

2010: A Recap

There was a time when I feared my life would become a boring series of redundancies. This year has strayed so far away from “boring” or “redundant” that I find myself pining for some good old-fashioned routine...

August 26, 2010 · 25 min · Nick Spreitzer