New SqlConnection() Hangs When IIS Express Has Been Idle

About a week ago I was happily working away on an ASP.NET Web API project when I noticed something fishy happening. And by “fishy”, I mean incredibly, unbelievably, stupendously frustrating. When initially loaded, the application worked fine. Start the project, execute a command from Postman, get results. But after running for 8 or 10 minutes, results would suddenly stop coming back. It didn’t take long to figure out where it was failing, however why it was failing was another matter entirely....

April 11, 2016 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer

XML Comment Outlining In Visual Studio 2015 'Fixed'

When I look at a class file, I will frequently collapse it down to its method signatures. Maybe I want to scan the file for a particular method. Maybe I want to get an overview of what functionality the class contains. Could be any number of reasons. Ultimately it’s a quick way to minimize the noise and isolate what I really want to see. In a C# class file, the noisiest bits - easily - are the XML comments that decorate everything from the class itself to all its containing methods and properties....

March 17, 2016 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer

Adding An Existing Coded UI Test Map To A Project

When you add a new coded ui test map to a project, Visual Studio conveniently organizes the accompanying .uitest, .cs, and .designer.cs files into a neat, unified bundle: So you’d THINK that’s what would happen when you copy an existing coded ui map from another project into a new one. But nooooo, Visual Studio just shrugs and stares blankly like “And…? What do you expect me to do with this?...

May 18, 2013 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer

Coded UI: Failed To Perform Action On Blocked Control Exception

Today I encountered a very aggravating exception while playing back some coded ui tests. I consistently got a “Failed To Perform Action On Blocked Control Exception”. Yet nothing was blocking the row...

May 14, 2013 · 1 min · Nick Spreitzer

Banish All Regions With This Handy RegEx

I found this little gem of a regular expression when I was looking for a quick way to eradicate the regions from some code I inherited...

November 16, 2011 · 1 min · Nick Spreitzer

Running VSTO Addins From Visual Studio Leaves Residual Code Behind

I just lost 60 minutes of my life… and I’m never getting it back...

November 14, 2010 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer