Keyboard Hooking With C# – Redux

A deep dive into my new and improved attempt at a C# keyboard hook class...

September 2, 2012 · 9 min · Nick Spreitzer

Extracting Icons From Exe & Dll Files

There has been a time or two when I’ve wanted to use an icon from shell32.dll or imageres.dll for my own purposes. But for some reason I was under the impression it was a huge pain in the ass to extract them. Not the case, as it turns out....

August 28, 2011 · 1 min · Nick Spreitzer

Two Tales of Debugging ApplicationSettingsBase

A couple exciting episodes of resolving issues with that pesky class, ApplicationSettingsBase...

July 24, 2011 · 3 min · Nick Spreitzer

(Balloon) ToolTip Misbehavior

Working with WinForms balloon tooltips isn’t as predictable as you might expect...

July 16, 2011 · 2 min · Nick Spreitzer

Excel Ribbon: Blocking Commands On a Per-Sheet Basis

During my initial foray into VSTO office development two years ago, I was particularly frustrated by the severe lack of documentation on the subject. Unfortunately, it seems this is still something of a problem. It took me hours of googling the other day just to find a definitive list of all the ribbon callback signatures. I know I wasn’t the only one having this problem because I found a month-old unanswered question on StackOverflow asking for the same information....

January 9, 2011 · 6 min · Nick Spreitzer

Keyboard Hooking With C#

A deep dive into my initial attempt at a C# keyboard hook class....

January 2, 2011 · 5 min · Nick Spreitzer